
Blogging is fun

Hiya!! HI! hi hi!

I love stars!

remember to take care of yourself at least sometimes!

Blog Notebook

Here's where i get to talk about small situations and more about my life!! Some parts may be triggering but i'll put a warning at the start of each blog if needed


Cringe culture


I hate how cringe culture has become so big now, especially after 2020 that's when it started to just go downhill. Which can't be blamed since because of the lockdown every person had nothing but the internet and thus opening the floodgates to so called 'normal people'. Instead of just going on by when they see something they dont like, some people really just want to state their opinions. Yet here I am doing the same, stating my opinions when I could just ignore it. And I would say yes but I get my own ranting space here. Anyways, the main reason I hate this new cringe culture is that people don't get to express themselves anymore out of fear of being bullied and attacked which just SUCKS. I love seeing people's progress in stuff and hopefully learning to just get better while their history being saved online. Yea it might've been cringe but c'mon we all did cringe stuff, plus we were like kids and teens(which is why i made this site so i can see my own and have the history saved). Dude even i'm afraid to show this website to my partner, i'd be excited for them to see how i tried building a website for the first time since it took me a while but i'm afraid what they might say about how i wrote my intro and blog, so what if it's cringe, at least i'm expressing myself how i want. I might eventually show them but when i'm ready. I doubt cringe culture might die down anytime soon sadly, though I hope at least most people will be able to progress on their own.

This layout is based on 'kawaii collage' by sugarpurr. I removed the background and I scaled the image up a bit with an AI tool.

Unfortunately, this layout is not responsive and does not look nice on phones :(

But it's still super cool!

You can find the code to this layout here.


I'm not really good at blogging and other stuff like this. What i aim to achive though is to leave a history for my future self and possibly family and friends. I also hope for people to relate, to see progress and that's it's possible to get better, though i understand my situations are not the worse i do believe everyone deserves to be believed in and get kindness.


Blinkies are cool :3